Predavanje: Influence of LPBF parameters on the microstructure and properties of metals

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Influence of LPBF parameters on the microstructure and properties of metals,

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doc. dr. Piotr Ledwig, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Krakow, Poljska

Predavanje bo v sredo, 7. 12. 2022, ob 12:00 uri v Leskovarjevi sobi

Laser-assisted powder bed fusion (LPBF) is one of the most powerful methods in the additive manufacturing of metal alloys. In recent years, a hot topic has been optimization of the LPBF process to obtain optimal microstructure and material properties. Recently, much attention has been paid to the impact of rescan on the microstructure and properties of LPBF manufactured alloys. Rescanning is a process in which more than one laser scan is performed. The combination of at least two scans can be performed to: remelting, which consisted of double melting of the layer, melting of layer after pre‑sintering or scanning with a low-energy density beam to reduce stress in the material, and introducing changes similar to stress relief annealing after melting. The challenges related to the use of rescanning in LPBF for modification of the microstructure of metals will be discussed.  The main part of the presentation will be a case study of the influence of remelting parameters on the microstructure and properties of Inconel 625.

Dr. Eng. Piotr Ledwig is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Department of Metal Forming and Metallurgical Engineering at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland. He has received a Ph.D. in Materials Science at the AGH University of Science and Technology. His scientific interests include the characteristics of the relationship between the microstructure and properties of coatings, MMC nanocomposites, and additively produced metal materials. He is a member of a research group that is working on ultrasound atomization and additive manufacturing of metal alloys by LPBF.    


S spoštovanjem,

izr. prof. dr. Damjan Klobčar

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