ANGIE – Academic Network for a Green & Innovative Europe

ANGIE – Academic Network for a Green & Innovative Europe

Project number: 2023-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000158031

ANGIE project proposes a tool and a force to activate the tool to:

  • Make a change in the understanding and in the behaviour of people acting in Transportation-Energy Production-Agriculture-Waste Management-Construction-Industrial Activities-Residential Activities (WATERIC) sectors regarding the climate change
  • Give relevant information on how to design and put in practice new green + digital technologies to reduce the carbon footprint
  • Define the terms for a future circular economy and low-carbon footprint EU society
  • Improve the knowledge and skills of the educators from WATERIC sector
  • Improve the knowledge and skills of the specialists involved in the design and operation of systems acting in WATERIC sectors

The tool is a new Graduate Study Program (GSP), called “Transition to Green for a Sustainable Society”, which is dedicated to the training of specialists, stakeholders and educators from WATERIC sectors. The force is an international academic network, ANGIE-“Academic Network for Green and Innovative Europe” of relevant institutes which act as centre of national clusters as parts of the network. The clusters are mass centre attracting experts from the environment, innovation, technology, business, education, communication and more, as single voice to create awareness on the climate change and on the extreme necessity to boost the transition to green of the WATERIC sectors.

WATERIC sectors are proved to be the main pollutant segments of society.

ANGIE represents an academic network that intends to attract relevant actors from fields related to climate change, digital technology, and digitalization of the processes as well as from tertiary education systems. Therefore, synergy will be created between higher education and training institutions taking into consideration that higher educations are relevant actors in each country being well connected with policy makers, local authorities, NGOs, and others. On the other hand, training institutions have strong connections with industrial partners and labour market, preparing specialists for specific job positions required by employers.

ANGIE intends to create synergy between education and training through collaboration into academic clusters at national and European level Education and training are two important components that are essential for personal and professional development. While education focuses on theoretical knowledge, training emphasizes on practical skills that are required for specific jobs. Creating synergy between education and training can help individuals to acquire a more holistic set of competencies and prepare them better for the job market. ANGIE project supports creation of clusters for relevant actors in the field of climate change, digitalization, and higher education. The synergy created by ANGIE is addressed to education and training with strong impact of both fields by following ways such as:

  • Integrating training into education programs ANGIE project aims to provide a collaboration platform between training bodies and universities. This will allow to integrate training programs related to climate change into educational postgraduate study program that will use advanced digital pedagogy. This means that theoretical knowledge and practical skills are taught simultaneously, which enables specialists to acquire both knowledge and skills at the same time.
  • Collaboration between educational institutions and training providers Collaboration between tertiary educational institutions that accept to join to the academic network created by ANGIE and training providers will create a EU platform for sharing resources and expertise. This can help in developing training programs that complement the education programs and provide practical training inside the postgraduate study program.
  • Continuing education and training programs Continuing education and training programs can provide professionals with the opportunity to upgrade their skills and knowledge throughout their careers. This can help individuals stay up to date with the latest industry trends and technologies, and also enable them to be more competitive in the job market ensuring in the same time best available methodologies for low-carbon footprint activities
  • Cooperation between universities and companies applying transition to green within ANGIE network
  • Cooperation between companies within ANGIE network
  • Cooperation of ANGIE with other universities.

ANGIE, as network of universities, is a tool to create and spread, in a single voice, important messages and knowledge and methods and technical solutions to the actors or observers of the transition to green society. ANGIE network:

  1. Will create and distribute messages that produce awareness related to climate change in people’s minds; the messages to create awareness will refer to the main pollutant factors (sources and activities) resulted from 3 previous analysis performed by the consortium: Transportation-Energy Production-Agriculture-Waste Management-Construction-Industrial Activities-Residential activities, which is “WATERIC”.
  2. Will bring technical information regarding the green transition in the fields of WATERIC, aiming to prepare the staff to carry out their tasks in low-carbon footprint conditions.
  3. Will create a postgraduate study program that will be dedicated to the improvement of green skills in the case of teachers who train future specialists and engineers, logisticians and doctors who will face the green transition in the near future; the GSP will bring new competences to green transition performed by the engineers and stakeholders.
  4. Will educate teachers and specialists in WATERIC fields on:
    • the replacement of energy-consuming technologies and high consumption of material resources with new, less consuming technologies
    • the introduction of sustainable energy producing systems
    • waste reduction and treatment.

Project website:

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