Oglas za prosto delovno mesto v podjetju BOSCH REXROTH D.O.O.

Want to learn something about your job opportunities after you are finished with university?
Join us at this event to meet your potential future colleagues find out more about the company Bosch Rexroth and our plant in Brnik get to know our international Trainee Program and other job opportunites in the technical area enjoy some drinks and snacks with us Curious? Scan the QR-Code below and register for the event via the provided E-Mail template. The amount of participants is limited, so register now. You will receive more information after registration.
We look forward to meeting you.

10:00 – 14:00
Intercontinental Hotel
Slovenska cesta 59
1000 Ljubljana
University students with technical focus

Invitation flyer:

Ta vnos je bil objavljen v Novice. Zaznamek za trajno povezavo.