In-process path replanning and online layer height control through deposition arc current for gas metal arc based additive manufacturing
Aljaž Ščetinec, Damjan Klobčar, Drago BračunPARTNERJI:
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Arhivi Kategorije: ANGIE
ANGIE – Academic Network for a Green & Innovative Europe
ANGIE – Academic Network for a Green & Innovative Europe Project number: 2023-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000158031 ANGIE project proposes a tool and a force to activate the tool to: The tool is a new Graduate Study Program (GSP), called “Transition to Green for … Beri naprej
Objavljeno v ANGIE
Komentarji so izklopljeni za ANGIE – Academic Network for a Green & Innovative Europe
DIGIGREEN – Izobraževanje osebja za vzpostavitev prehoda iz tradicionalne v digitalno in zeleno proizvodnjo
Improved workforce to set transition from manufacturing to digital green fabrication Project number: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000028028 About the project The DIGIGREEN project is expected to have a significant impact at local, national and European level, mainly because it will address a continuous … Beri naprej